Flowers by Elaine Ltd


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Hand Tied Bouquets

Surprise someone with a simple yet stylish combination of beautiful large headed Roses and pretty Carnations, entwined with looped Phormium leaves to add a modern twist or try a charming hand-tied of beautiful large headed Roses mixed with cheerful Germini is given a contemporary feel with looped Bear Grass and Aspidistra leaves. Available in vibrant bright or soft pastel shades, this cannot fail to impress.

Wedding Flowers

We do a large variety of flowers covering all aspects of your wedding. They range from Button holes and Corsages, Bridesmaide Hoops and Baskets to Church and Reception flowers. We pride ourselves on our collection for the Bride, Shower and Freestyle bouquets, Posey and Handtied bouquets. Traditional and contemporary tastes are catered for.

Summer Flowers and Gifts

Put a smile on someone's face with this lively wrap of summer blooms. Fresh seasonal flowers bursting with life create a truly delightful gift sure to brighten someone's day. A stylish ceramic pot alive with an assortment of stunning summer flowers in vivid and vibrant shades, guaranteed to impress. if you want to add something special we have a variety of gifts including Teddy Bears, Balloons, Vases, Champagne and Chocolates.

Welcome to Flowers By Elaine, Dorking. Our team of designer florists provide fantastic fresh cut flowers & bouquets. We specialise in Wedding flowers and Funeral tributes throughout Dorking, Leatherhead, Redhill, Reigate & Surrounding areas in Surrey. We also deliver Nationally and internationally through our Interflora service. Established in 1978, Flowers By Elaine offer florist services for all occasions. Call us today!

Specialist Services

Welcome to Flowers By Elaine, Dorking florists providing fantastic fresh cut flowers & bouquets throughout Dorking, Leatherhead, Redhill, Reigate & Surrounding areas in Surrey. Established in 1978, Flowers By Elaine offer florist services for all occasions: From Wedding Flowers & Arrangements to Funeral & Sympathy Tributes, Anniversary & Birthday Flowers to Valentines or Mothers Day, our team of experienced florists are here to help, whatever your Floristry needs.


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